Thursday, March 31, 2011


Just a quick update. I am back at parkwood hospital. I've been here since my shoulder surgery on March 10th and do not expect to be out until a tenative date of April 6th. I'm back on th same floor as when I had my stroke 6 years ago. The broken shoulder and subsequent rehab have been a blessing in disguise. The 'tune up' has been good for me since I can share my story and confidently say to others upset 'things will get better' and I tell them how bad it was for me. It's theraputic and it makes me feel good as well as reminding me how far I've come!

I also see that I have it good compared to others I see around the hospital in various states of recovery from amputees to brain injury and those forever trapped in their situations. I have even improved since I left here 6 years ago. Even during my stay this time.

Not being able to use my right shoulder (my dominant and the one I broke) I have learned to use my affected side. I am grateful for what is done here and the people who do it. I have many more stories to share and will as soon as I'm able to type and it not hurt.